CTC Conservation Centre

Conserving Uganda’s Wildlife | The Role of CTC Conservation Centre. In the tumultuous period from the 1960s to the 1980s, Uganda witnessed a stark decline in its wildlife populations, attributed to political conflicts, rampant poaching, trafficking, and encroachment by human activities. Amid this challenging scenario, the establishment of the CTC Conservation Centre in 2015 marked a significant milestone, emerging as a sanctuary dedicated to the gradual revival of various animal species.  It is home to lions, hyenas, wildcats, tortoises, iguanas, foxes, zebras, and impalas. There is even a crocodile.

CTC Conservation Centre
CTC Conservation Centre

Preserving Biodiversity

Led by wildlife handler and dedicated conservationist Akello Holly Oliver, the team at CTC Conservation Centre plays a pivotal role in the day-to-day activities focused on the well-being of the resident animals. From vigilant health monitoring to collaborative efforts with veterinarians for necessary treatments, their commitment remains steadfast.

Veterinary Care and Preventive Measures

Kiya Martina, a veterinarian at the center, underscores the importance of preventive measures, including vaccinations. This is to shield the animals from potential viruses and bacterial diseases. Implementing the concept of animal enrichment, the center designs enclosures that replicate natural habitats. Also,  introduce mental stimulation through activities like strategically placing hidden food.

Founding Principles and Collaboration

Established by Thomas Price, the CTC Conservation Centre places a strong emphasis on commercial and financial sustainability within the realm of conservation. Collaborating closely with the Uganda Wildlife Authority, the organization’s mission encompasses wildlife conservation, economic development, and sustainable management of protected areas.


Conflict Resolution and Community Engagement

The center serves as a refuge for animals caught in human-wildlife conflicts, especially those displaced due to incidents such as wild animals preying on livestock. Thomas Price shares an anecdote involving two large crocodiles, one deemed a man-eater, highlighting the critical role of sanctuaries in such scenarios.

Despite the positive trajectory in animal population recovery, there remains an urgent need for heightened awareness about local conservation efforts. Akello actively engages with local communities, imparting knowledge about the significance of wildlife and fostering a mindset of coexistence. Encouragingly, communities are increasingly participating in animal rescue initiatives, signaling a positive shift towards a more conservation-oriented ethos.

Breeding Initiatives and Ongoing Challenges

The center has achieved success in breeding indigenous species like the African Golden Cat, aligning with the overarching goal of creating a sustainable environment. Breeding initiatives allow for the reintroduction of excess offspring into protected areas, contributing to biodiversity conservation. However, persistent challenges, including poaching and environmental encroachment, highlight the collective responsibility required for successful conservation endeavors.


In conclusion, the CTC Conservation Centre stands as a beacon of hope for Uganda’s wildlife. It embodies resilience, dedication, and a vision for a harmonious coexistence between humans and animals. The journey towards sustained biodiversity conservation is ongoing. Also, underscoring the vital role of such centers in safeguarding the rich tapestry of the country’s natural heritage.

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