The Ultimate Guide to Climbing Mount Ruwenzori

The Ultimate Guide to Climbing Mount Ruwenzori Opting for this journey is a reason to rejoice! For many, it is one in a lifetime dream on their bucket list. The…

The Bakonzo & Bamba

The Bakonzo & Bamba Origins: The Bakonjo and Bamba are Bantu and they are said to have a common origin with the other Bantu groups. The Bakonjo are found in the District…

Rwenzori Mountains Climbing Routes

Rwenzori mountains climbing routes  There are three main Rwenzori mountains climbing routes: the first and oldest Central Circuit trail that starts from Mihunga gate, the Kilembe Trail and the Bukurungu…

Rwenzori Mountains Climbing and Hiking

Rwenzori Mountain Climbing | Hiking Rwenzori Mountains Our Rwenzori Mountain Climbing safaris take you to climb Rwenzori Mountains while on your Uganda Safari. Relax at Margherita Peak, the highest point in Uganda.…

Overview about Rwenzori Mountains

Why Rwenzori Mountains are known as Mountains of the moon. Rwenzori Mountains are home to two of the highest peaks in Africa. In this post, you’ll learn about these famous…

Regulations and Rules for Hiking Mountain Rwenzori

Regulations and Rules for Hiking Mountain Rwenzori These are some of the dos and don’ts that one should follow when visiting Mountain Rwenzori National Park; These rules were put in…

Activities in Rwenzori Mountain National Park

ACTIVITIES IN RWENZORI NATIONAL PARK Activities in Rwenzori Mountain National Park In Mountain Rwenzori there are two beautiful routes for climbers. These include gorgeous view point and the trail passes…

History of Mt. Kilimanjaro

KILIMANJARO’S HISTORY History of Mt. Kilimanjaro….Thanks to several primitive stone bowls found on the lower slopes of Kilimanjaro, we know that man has lived on or around the mountain since…

Frequently asked questions about Mt. Kilimanjaro

1) How much time do I need to climb Mount Kilimanjaro? Frequently asked questions about Mt. Kilimanjaro include how much time one needs to climb the mountain. We recommend a…

Kilimanjaro Training Program

KILIMANJARO TRAINING PROGRAM Kilimanjaro Training Program. Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa and hiking to the peak is a challenge that should not be under estimated. With all…

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