Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda in July and August | An Unforgettable Experience

Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda in July and August | An Unforgettable Experience. Rwanda, a small landlocked country in East Africa, is often referred to as the “Land of a Thousand Hills.” This picturesque nation, with its rolling hills and stunning landscapes, is home to one of the most extraordinary wildlife experiences on the planet – gorilla trekking. This unique adventure allows you to encounter the majestic mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. Gorilla trekking in Rwanda takes place in the renowned Volcanoes National Park, which is part of the larger Virunga Conservation Area that includes Uganda’s Mgahinga Gorilla National Park and the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Virunga National Park. This blog will provide a comprehensive guide to gorilla trekking in Rwanda, focusing on the best times to visit, particularly during July and August, and exploring the other activities available in Volcanoes National Park and beyond.

Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda in July and August | An Unforgettable Experience
Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda in July and August | An Unforgettable Experience

Where Gorilla Trekking Takes Place in Rwanda

Volcanoes National Park

Volcanoes National Park, located in the northwest of Rwanda, is the primary destination for gorilla trekking. This park is part of the Virunga Massif, which is a chain of dormant volcanoes that stretches across the borders of Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Volcanoes National Park covers an area of approximately 160 square kilometers and is home to around one-third of the world’s remaining mountain gorillas. The park is also renowned for its rich biodiversity, which includes other primates, birds, reptiles, and a variety of plant species.

The park is named after the chain of dormant volcanoes that it encompasses, including Mount Karisimbi, Mount Bisoke, Mount Muhabura, Mount Gahinga, and Mount Sabyinyo. These volcanic peaks provide a stunning backdrop for the gorilla trekking experience and contribute to the park’s unique ecosystem.

Other Activities in Volcanoes National Park

While gorilla trekking is undoubtedly the main attraction in Volcanoes National Park, there are several other activities that visitors can enjoy:

Golden Monkey Tracking

Golden monkey tracking is another popular activity in Volcanoes National Park. These rare and beautiful primates, with their striking golden-orange fur and playful nature, are an endemic species found only in the Virunga volcanic region. The experience of tracking golden monkeys is similar to that of gorilla trekking. After a briefing by the park rangers, you set off into the bamboo forests that these monkeys call home. The sight of golden monkeys leaping from tree to tree, chattering animatedly, and foraging for food is a delightful spectacle.


Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda in July and August | An Unforgettable Experience
Golden monkey trekking in Rwanda

Hiking Mount Karisimbi

For adventure enthusiasts, hiking Mount Karisimbi is an exhilarating activity. At 4,507 meters, Mount Karisimbi is the highest peak in the Virunga Mountains and the fifth-highest mountain in Africa. The hike to the summit is challenging and typically takes two days, with an overnight stay at an altitude of around 3,700 meters. The climb is demanding but rewarding, offering spectacular views of the surrounding landscape and the opportunity to experience the diverse flora and fauna of the region.

Dian Fossey Tomb and Research Center

A visit to the Dian Fossey Tomb and Research Center is a poignant and educational experience. Dian Fossey was an American primatologist who dedicated her life to the study and conservation of mountain gorillas. Her research and advocacy were instrumental in raising global awareness about the plight of these endangered animals. The trek to her tomb and the remains of her research center, located between Mount Karisimbi and Mount Bisoke, provides insight into her life and legacy. The hike is moderately challenging and takes about 3-4 hours round trip.

Cultural Visits

Cultural visits to the nearby communities around Volcanoes National Park offer an opportunity to interact with the local people and learn about their way of life. These visits often include tours of traditional Rwandan homesteads, visits to local markets, and demonstrations of traditional crafts such as basket weaving and pottery. The Iby’Iwacu Cultural Village is a popular destination for cultural experiences, where visitors can enjoy traditional music and dance performances and participate in cultural activities.

Best Time to Trek Gorillas in Rwanda

Gorilla trekking in Rwanda can be done year-round, but the best time to visit largely depends on the weather and personal preferences. The climate in Rwanda is generally temperate, with two main rainy seasons and two dry seasons. Understanding the seasonal variations can help you plan the most enjoyable and comfortable trip.


Dry Seasons (June to September and December to February)

The dry seasons are considered the best times for gorilla trekking in Rwanda. The period from June to September, which includes July and August, is particularly popular among tourists. During these months, the weather is relatively dry, making the trekking trails less muddy and more accessible. The dry season also coincides with the peak tourist season, which means that permits can sell out quickly, so it’s advisable to book well in advance.

Advantages of Trekking in July and August

1. Favorable Weather Conditions

The weather in July and August is generally dry and pleasant, with lower chances of rain. This makes the trekking experience more comfortable and less challenging, as the trails are easier to navigate without the added difficulty of slippery and muddy paths.

2. Optimal Gorilla Viewing

The dry season is also an excellent time for gorilla viewing, as the gorillas tend to stay at lower altitudes where the vegetation is denser and more accessible. This increases the likelihood of shorter treks to find the gorilla families, allowing you more time to observe and enjoy these magnificent creatures.

3. Scenic Beauty

The clear skies and dry weather enhance the scenic beauty of Volcanoes National Park. The stunning views of the Virunga Mountains, lush green forests, and the surrounding landscape are more vivid and breathtaking during this time of year.

Disadvantages of Trekking in July and August

1. Higher Demand and Prices

The popularity of the dry season means that there is higher demand for gorilla trekking permits and accommodations. As a result, prices for permits, lodges, and other services may be higher during these peak months. It’s essential to book well in advance to secure your preferred dates and accommodations.

2. Crowds

The peak season also means that there are more tourists in the park, which can lead to crowded trails and viewing areas. While the park authorities manage the number of visitors to ensure a sustainable and enjoyable experience, the presence of more people can sometimes detract from the sense of solitude and tranquility that many seek during their gorilla trekking adventure.

Other Activities Popular in Rwanda Besides Gorilla Trekking

While gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park is the highlight for many visitors, Rwanda offers a diverse range of activities and attractions that can complement your safari experience. Here are some of the other popular activities in Rwanda:

Akagera National Park

Akagera National Park, located in the eastern part of Rwanda, is a beautiful savannah park that offers classic African wildlife experiences. The park is home to the Big Five – lions, elephants, buffalos, leopards, and rhinoceros – as well as other wildlife such as giraffes, zebras, hippos, and a variety of antelope species. A game drive in Akagera provides a contrasting experience to the dense forests of Volcanoes National Park, allowing you to witness the diverse ecosystems and wildlife of Rwanda. Boat safaris on Lake Ihema and bird watching are also popular activities in Akagera.


Nyungwe Forest National Park

Nyungwe Forest National Park, located in the southwest of Rwanda, is one of Africa’s oldest and most biodiverse rainforests. The park is a haven for primates, with 13 different species, including chimpanzees, colobus monkeys, and L’Hoest’s monkeys. Chimpanzee trekking is a highlight in Nyungwe, offering an exciting and intimate encounter with our closest relatives. The park is also famous for its canopy walkway, which provides a unique perspective of the forest from above. Hiking, bird watching, and cultural visits to the nearby communities are other activities that can be enjoyed in Nyungwe Forest National Park.

Lake Kivu

Lake Kivu, one of Africa’s Great Lakes. This is a stunning destination located along the border between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The lake’s clear waters, surrounded by lush hills and terraced landscapes, make it a perfect spot for relaxation and water-based activities. Visitors can enjoy boat trips, kayaking, swimming, and fishing on the lake. The towns of Gisenyi, Kibuye, and Cyangugu along the shores of Lake Kivu offer charming accommodations, beautiful beaches, and opportunities to explore local markets and cultural sites.


The capital city of Rwanda, is a vibrant and modern city. It serves as a gateway to the country’s natural and cultural attractions. Kigali is known for its cleanliness, safety, and friendly atmosphere. The city offers a range of activities and sights, including the Kigali Genocide Memorial. This provides a poignant and educational experience about the 1994 genocide. The Inema Arts Center, Nyamirambo Women’s Center, and local markets. These are other places where visitors can explore Rwandan art, culture, and crafts. Kigali’s restaurants and cafes also offer a chance to sample delicious Rwandan cuisine and international dishes.


Gorilla trekking in Rwanda during July and August is an unforgettable experience. It offers the chance to encounter one of the world’s most endangered and majestic animals in their natural habitat. Volcanoes National Park, with its stunning landscapes and rich biodiversity, provides the perfect setting for this adventure. Beyond gorilla trekking, the park offers a range of activities, including golden monkey tracking, volcano hiking, cultural visits, and bird watching. The favorable weather conditions during the dry season make this an ideal time to visit, though it also means higher demand and prices.

Popular safaris in Rwanda to see gorillas include:

3 Days Rwanda Gorilla Tracking

6-day wildlife and gorilla safari in Rwanda

9 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Wildlife

10 days Rwanda wildlife safari with Gorillas

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