Kit Customs Clearing

Customs Kit clearing in East Africa by Pamoja Tours and Travel Company.

Filming in Uganda National Parks


Dealing with the right personnel to assist you clear your filming equipment will help make your filming process successful therefore, Pamoja tours and travel company is here to assist you in the customs kit clearance in Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo. Customs kit clearing requires all the production houses and film crews to clear their filming equipment in the country for their planned shoot.

Therefore the production house needs to send the details of the filming that will take place in East Africa which undergoes clearance through the customs authority in and out of the country where the shoot is to take place. Some of the assistance provided by Pamoja Tours and Travel Company is clear the kit on arrival, assist in temporary importation of filming drone.

Customs clearance

Customs clearance is the act of taking goods through the customs authority to facilitate the movement of cargo into a country and outside the country. Also, the customs clearance may also mean a valid document by the customs authority to a shipper indicating that all duty payments are complete and the shipper’s goods is eligible for export. You will require a customs blocker like Pamoja tours and travel company to help in the permission of your kit and equipment in and out of the country. Pamoja tours and travel helps you to acquire this as well as clear your kit with the customs once you provide all the necessary details required to fill the paperwork for your scheduled shooting in any of the east African countries.

When you are planning for a shoot in east Africa, we request you to send us the details of your kit showing the name and the serial number and the value of each equipment.  This information is then ready for evaluation. Afterwards, we will contact you as soon as evaluation is complete so that you start processing the payment. This payment is always a certain percentage of the total cost of the kit. The clearing agent will await for you at the airport on your arrival. From there, he will take you through all the legal process of clearance in and out of the country.

The clearance process (Customs Kit clearing)

The first step is the paper work verification where the customs officer verifies that the paperwork paper work for the shipment is correct. All the shipment must have the full address of the owner, telephone contacts, email contacts and home physical address. Once the verification process is complete, the shipper will receive the list with the contact information of the receiver, the export date and the airway bill.

The officer then checks the value of the goods and the fees that may be applied to a shipment depending on the value of the kit and the laws that the importing country enforces. These will be seen from the details provided about the kit in the paper work filled during your application sent for customs clearance. Note that if the value of the goods surpasses a tax bracket, the officer will check to see if taxes and duties have been paid.


You will then pay for all the taxes and duties. Your shipment will either have a DDP (deliver duty paid) or DDU (deliver duty unpaid) marking. Note that blockage, storage, late payment and various fees may apply which affect the total shipment fee. After paying the taxes and the duty fees, then the goods shall be ready for shipping to their destination. Pamoja Tours and Travel Company can easily handle the process for customs kit clearance.

The shipment must have a parking list which you should take for clearing. The place for that is the respective customs area under the owner’s names. In addition, you will use the house bill of landing or airway bill. Alternatively, you may use a master bill of landing or airway.

These fees and taxes imposed like the permit fees and monitoring fees help in the development of tourism enterprises. These are both in and outside the protected areas in East Africa.

Please note that all disembarking passengers must make a declaration to customs through either a red or green channel. This is according to the EAC-CMA (East African Community Customs Management Act).

The clearance process takes just 24 hours therefore, this should not worry you at all.


The cost of clearance varies depends on the services that one needs. You can find in the customs contract that explains the customs elements of service. These prices are however according to the product along with the value and point of origin. Charges for kit clearance may include

  • Customs clearance charge which is usually a flat fee which acts like an admin fee
  • Inspection fees by the government agency
  • Bank transfer fees.

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